You can create amazing website quickly and easily with Website Layout Maker. Just drag and drop layouts for creating a website. It reduces the effort needed to make website. You can also easily edit because the created site is fully div-tag-based. It provides three stages, Theme, Layout and Element. Theme stage, pick a theme from various pre-made themes. Layout stage, set, resize and copy layout easily. Element stage, provide powerful and various options such as shading background. You can use all these stages with practical page preview. The website made by Website Layout Maker provides uniform for IE6, IE7 and Firefox 2. It really saves your valuable times.
For Beginner
- Make your website easily by just dragging and dropping.
- Provides easy and convenient interface.
- Provides various options for each website element.
For Professional
- Provides uniform for the most common web-browsers. (IE6, IE7, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Opera 9.x and Safari 3.x)
- The generated website is fully div-tag based.
- Provides import and export functions to layout and theme.
Common Features
- Provides themes to reference and use them.
- Provides dynamic website preview.
- Provides powerful backgrounds and borders.
- Provides various detail options.
- Continuously adding functions and upgrading the product.
Version 2.36 Changes (Nov. 19, 200
Added more functions to layouts.
Tested and provides uniform for Google Chrome web-browser.
Improved UI Interface.
Fixed miscellaneous bugs.
Homepage - http://www.smilemelon.com
Name: Buddy Knox
Email: buddyknox@usa.org
Standard Edition: S/N: WF95PIY5Y-CCUS4MMK10005
Power Edition: S/N: WF95PIY5Y-ISQ84MMK20005
Ultra Edition: S/N: WF95PIY5Y-2M8C4MMK90005
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